Hotel Tanneck



Healthy diet

Nutrition has a significant influence on whether we gain or lose weight. In order to provide you with professional support in this area too, you can enjoy a balanced and wholesome vitality diet on request. We also support you with a drinking plan and give you individual advice on questions relating to food intolerances, healthy eating and more.



Individual advice

We provide individual advice on food intolerances (gluten, lactose, fructose), desired weight (losing weight, gaining weight) and healthy nutrition (nutrients, vitamins, minerals).
Christina Mörz
Nordic walking trainer
For more information about nutritional advice from Ms. Mörz, please contact:
Nutritional advice
Initial consultation incl. Nutritional history
(45 min) (no consultation yet)
Follow-up interviews (30 min)
Supplementary offers
Bioimpedance analysis
The bio-impedance analysis determines the proportions of fat, water, fat-free mass and extracellular mass in the body within a few seconds. These results form the basis for nutrition and training plans.
Metabolic analysis
The metabolic analysis determines the body's state of health. The results help to identify risks, document training progress and manage training precisely.
Weight loss program "weight loss days 4.1"
With our specially developed weight loss program "weight loss days 4.1", we support you in changing your diet and losing weight in the long term. More than 400 guests have already been convinced - you too can do it!
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